National Writers Union|Chicago

Open-to-public virtual event

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Preparing for and Preventing Legal Issues for Freelance Journalists

In the U.S., legal threat looms ever larger as a reality of media work. Freelance journalists need to be forearmed.

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and the Committee to Protect Journalists join the FSP / Digital Media Division of the NWU to hold a session addressing common legal questions and issues freelance journalists confront both in business matters and in newsgathering — e.g., insurance and contracts, retaliatory lawsuits, and reporting in high-stress situations like protests.

Attendees will come away with practical tips and resources to help them feel better equipped to mitigate legal risks and navigate issues should they arise.

The event is part of “Protecting Journalists, Protecting Journalism,” a three-part training series on legal, digital, and physical safety for independent journalists.