National Writers Union|Chicago

Illinois’ Freelancer Protections Moment

At the time in spring of 2023 when this post is published, a main focus for NWU Chicago chapter energies is the Freelance Worker Protection Act’s momentum toward becoming law in the state of Illinois. Once signed by the governor, this bill’s passage becomes a landmark event, a step of national significance for what began as a push to bring city labor protections up to date in New York eight years ago, Freelance Isn’t Free. Until now, protections on the FIF model have been instituted by U.S. cities but not by states. Illinois is about to change that.

Member Anna Burgess Yang gave powerful voice to the call to make this bill accomplished fact in the Sun-Times last week: “Freelancers, an Illinois Bill Says You Have the Right to be Paid On Time.” Directly after the op-ed’s appearance, she was a guest on WBEZ’s Reset with Sasha-Ann Simons as well.

If you’re reading this in June 2023 and have been to the site’s front page, it’s likely you’ll have noted already our attention to these legislative developments. As a union, we’re working with Freelance Worker Protection Act House sponsor Will Guzzardi’s office to spread word about the bill and help people get up to speed on what it means for workers.

Together with Guzzardi’s office, the chapter’s doing happy hour in Logan Square, the Middle Brow Bungalow brewery on W. Armitage Ave., on Thursday, June 15, 6:00 PM. Reading this before that date? We want you to come out and celebrate this bill with us.

The Guzzardi office team produced the excellent explainer graphic below. We’re encouraging sharing it widely. One easy way to do that is to use the convenient URL